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How to buy a hero in BinaryX

Welcome to this post, where we are going to see the best way to buy a hero in BinaryX and start playing.

As well as some tips to not just buy any hero, and make a good choice with a hero that can serve you in both mining and adventure mode. With that said, let’s get started.

Recruit Hero

The first thing we will need is a metamask wallet and the binance Smart chain configured. Then BNX, which is the platform token to buy heroes and other in-game features.

You can buy BNX using pancakeswap or on Binance, and withdraw it directly into your wallet to use it. If you are new, you can find guides on our website on how to withdraw cryptocurrencies from Binance and how to use metamask.

Once you have BNX in your wallet, in recruit hero you can mine a new hero in exchange for 1 BNX. Here, you will receive a totally random hero, both among the 4 classes, since katarina is no longer available, and the attributes of your hero.

I don’t recommend you to use this method to buy your first hero, as you will usually get bad heroes that you can buy for less in the Marketplace. However, let’s see how to do it.

To do this, go to game.binaryx and connect your metamask wallet. Click on game and recruit hero. Here, you will see the enable BNX button first, where you will have to approve the contract, which is just a few cents, and then you can click ren recruit hero, confirm in your wallet and you will have your new hero. If you go to my hero, you will be able to see your hero to use in adventure mode or gold mining. With this, you will have your first hero, in this simple way.


The best option is to use the Marketplace, because, if you click on market and connect your wallet, you will be able to see the prices of different heroes. And you will see that there are heroes for much less than 1 BNX, or some more expensive, but with really good attributes, without the risk of getting a bad hero.

I recommend you to look in the Marketplace to buy your first hero. If you want a hero only for gold mining and generate Gold every day, I recommend you to buy the cheapest one, which you can find for 0.4 BNX or less.

If on the contrary, you want a hero for adventure mode and good attributes, I recommend you to look for heroes with +70 in the main attributes of each class, usually you want to have more than 70 in strength, agility and constitution. You can find in our page a more detailed guide on how to choose the best hero that I leave here.

The Marketplace, allows you to filter by many aspects, I recommend you to use the price one, from lowest to highest. And the attributes, at the top right, you can indicate the minimum that a hero has to have to appear, and it is really very useful. If you want characters with more than 80 in constitution, you simply indicate 80 in min and that’s it.

To buy a hero, usually its price is in BNX, but also sometimes there are people who sell their heroes in Gold. Once you have seen the hero you are interested in, click on it, and you will see the buy now button. If it is the first time, you must click on enable BNX or Gold, and confirm in your wallet, and you will see the buy now button. Click on it, confirm in your wallet and in this simple way you will have your hero in your account.

Sometimes some heroes appear that have already been sold and you will see the deal done message, as it takes some time to update. So, if you see this message, you should look for another hero to buy. With this you will have a good hero in your team, or several heroes to use in gold mining and generate gold every day. Remember that, if you don’t have an account with binance, you can create one just below.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
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