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How Adventure works in BinaryX

Welcome to this post, where we are going to see how Adventure mode works in BinaryX, and how you can get the most out of playing this game mode.

This mode allows us to test our heroes and fight against enemies in exchange for a reward, but we will have to pay an amount of Gold to be able to participate.

Please note that there may be changes to this guide depending on when you are reading this. Therefore, I recommend you to visit the official website after reading the article.

What is Adventure

Adventure mode allows us to use our heroes to fight enemies and receive rewards for doing so. The rewards vary depending on the amount of enemies we encounter and the luck we may have. In addition, in each attempt, the amount of enemies that we will encounter and the type of enemies is totally random.

You will be able to make 3 daily attempts with a level 1-3 hero, and from level 4, you will have the number of daily attempts equivalent to the level of your hero. For example, a level 5 hero will have 5 daily attempts.

To participate, there are currently two types, but we will focus on Goblin Village, as it is level 1-12, and the other is from level 4, which is a fairly high hero level. In this arena, if you click on adventure, you can first select the difficulty level, between 1,2 or 3, and then the hero you want to use.

Each level has a different cost and a higher difficulty, although the rewards are also better if you manage to defeat the enemies. The prices for 1 attempt may vary, but currently they are as follows:
Lvl 1: 2359 Gold

Lvl 2: 4813 Gold

Lvl 3: 9179 Gold


Once you click on confirm and confirm in your wallet, you will be able to see your hero fighting against different enemies. Remember that the appearance of enemies is totally random. You may encounter a goblin bandit, goblin mage or Goblin Warlord, which is the boss and the strongest.

In combat, you will see a life bar, in the middle the rewards you get every time you beat an opponent, and the attributes of your enemies as well. This is very useful to see aspects such as agility, and to see if you will be able to hit more than him, although the fight mode really works by itself.

The fight can end for two reasons, there are no more enemies, or you have lost. If you lose, you will receive the rewards for the enemies you have managed to defeat. So you can lose and still get a reward.


The rewards vary, but usually you can get Gold, BNX and Items. The amount you will receive varies and is adjusted from time to time. In my experience, I have seen weeks where you get a lot of BNX and Gold, and it is worth participating, and other weeks where the rewards are very low, and you pay more Gold than you can get, either by selling the BNX you get or the items you get.

The rewards also have a random factor, and it is important to keep in mind that, even if you have the best hero, you can get less in rewards than the cost you had to participate. My recommendation is to always try to do all 3 attempts, rather than just 1, as you can get unlucky, and they are actually giving good rewards. So always try to make at least 3 attempts on the same day.

In History you will be able to see the rewards you have earned and click on claim rewards, confirm in your wallet to withdraw them. Sometimes it may take a while, but they always arrive, so if you don’t see them right away, don’t worry. On some days it may have taken several hours to appear in my wallet.

In history they have added the magic house option, which is basically like a roulette wheel, where you can bet everything you have accumulated in rewards and you have a 49% chance of doubling it and a 51% chance of losing 51%. I really don’t recommend you to use this option.

Which Heroes to Use

Now that we have gone over how it works, let’s see which heroes you should use. Since many heroes, especially those with bad attributes, are not going to serve you. So let’s see what you should look at to know whether to use it or not.

With the items, it has changed a bit, since you can use heroes with worse attributes, if you have a good and competitive team. Even so, I recommend using a good hero, rather than buying items and equipping a hero with bad attributes.

Don’t look at the total attributes, but at which attributes have the highest score. You can have a hero with a lot of points, but the attributes are poorly distributed. My recommendation is as follows:

Warrior: The recommended is +70 in strength, +70 agility, +70 Constitution and some points of Willpower and Spirit, with +10-20 can be really good.

Rogue: The recommended is +70 in strength, +70 agility, +70 Constitution and some points of Willpower and Spirit, with +10-20 can be really good.

Ranger: The recommended is +70 in strength, +70 agility, +70 Constitution and some points of Willpower and Spirit, with +10-20 can be really good.

Mage: The recommended is +70 in Intelligence, +70 agility, +70 Constitution and some points of Willpower and Spirit, with +10-20 can be really good. The mage’s damage instead of strength is in intelligence, so the strength attribute is not relevant.

Katarina: Use her always, because her attributes are very high.

You can use heroes with -70 in the main attributes but that are close or equipped with some items that help them to raise their attributes. If your hero has little Constitution, I don’t recommend you to use him, even if he has very high attributes.

Also, when you go to adventure, I recommend you to raise your hero to level 2 or 3 for level 1, and level 3 or 4 for level 2. This will ensure that you can defeat the boss enemies without problem, which is the one that will give you the best possible reward, quite BNX if we compare it with other enemies. If you go with a level 1 hero, it is possible that with good attributes, if you have many enemies, you will not be able to defeat them. Because leveling up increases your damage and life.

Finally, remember that, even if you have a very strong hero, there is a fairly high factor of randomness, both in rewards and enemies that appear, and there will be days where you will earn less than you have spent, and other days where you will earn much more than you have spent for fighting. Always keep this in mind.

I hope this has helped you to learn more about BinaryX adventure mode and that you can start winning all the fights. Remember that if you don’t have an account with binance, you can create one just below.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

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