In this post, where we are going to see how you can buy Shiba Inu in an easy, simple and fast way.
Shiba Inu, also known as the doge coin killer, is a cryptocurrency that has skyrocketed in recent days as you can see in the graph, with returns of 7,000% in less than a month. This has been due to the great boost it has received by the community that has decided to make it the new doge coin, although this time, it seems that it is going to have some more utility than dogecoin, where they are working to create their own decentralized Exchange.
Where to buy Shiba Inu
For this, I am going to use two platforms, Binance and, where you can find all the links in the description. You can see below a video of how to do it step by step.
Min. Deposit: 10€
License: Cysec
New cryptocurrencies (ICO’s)
Growing exchange
Platform: Binance
Min. Deposit: 10€
License: Cysec
Very low commissions
Exchange with more Cryptocurrencies
Step by Step
Shiba Inu can be found in few exchanges, and you can also use Uniswap, but you will find high ethereum fees to buy it. Therefore, the best option is to use the centralized exchange that has this cryptocurrency listed.
The first thing we have to do is to deposit funds in our account. In order to have funds in, the best option is to send them from another Exchange, since the platform does not have the option to buy cryptocurrencies with credit card or wire transfer. For this, I am going to use binance, and I am going to send tether (USDT), since it is the cryptocurrency we are going to need to buy Shiba Inu.
In my case, I already have USDT in my binance account, if you don’t know how to buy it, I’ll leave a video below so you can watch it. With the usdt, we go to wallet, spot wallet and click withdraw.
Now we must go to, and go to deposit. Here, we click on the tron/TRC-20 network, as it has the lowest commissions and only costs one dollar commission.
Copy the address and paste it into binance. Once in binance, enter the address, the tron network, trc-20 and the amount to withdraw the usdt. We confirm with our email and cell phone, and that’s it. Remember to indicate the trc-20 network to save on commissions and not have any problems.
Platform: Binance
Min. Deposit: 10€
License: Cysec
Very low commissions
Exchange with more Cryptocurrencies
Now you must wait for the USDT to appear in your balance, it usually takes a few minutes until you have it ready to use. Once they appear, go to my funds, search for usdt or tether and click on trade.
You will see the panel to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, here, search for shib, and you will see the shib/usdt pair.
We go down and indicate the amount we want to buy shiba Inu. Here, if you want to use all your usdt, just click on the number above and the total will be placed. At the top of Price you will see the current price of the cryptocurrency. With the amount indicated, just click on the buy button.
Now, you will be the owner of shiba Inu, and to check it, you can go again to my funds to see the amount you have. Once you want to sell it, we must return to the same panel above, but this time we will go to the red sell button. We indicate the amount we want to sell, and click on sell. This way, you can have USDT again and send it to binance to withdraw it to your bank account.
Let’s summarize the steps we have just seen:
- Deposit funds into (Directly or through Binance).
- Click on trade on your USDT or go to trade and spot.
- Here, look for SHIB on the top right and click on the SHIB/USDT pair.
- Go to the center and indicate the amount you want to buy
- Click on Buy SHIB
- You now have your new cryptocurrency
Min. Deposit: 10€
License: Cysec
New cryptocurrencies (ICO’s)
Growing exchange
In this guide we have seen how you can buy Shiba Inu with Binance and, but there are other platforms to buy this cryptocurrency. To find out where you can buy Shiba Inu, it is as simple as going to coingecko or coinmarketcap and search for the cryptocurrency.
Once there, click on markets, and you will see all the platforms that have this cryptocurrency listed. To save you time, you can see the main platforms in the image below.
Currently there are no platforms focused solely on buying and selling cryptocurrencies where you can deposit funds with PayPal. Therefore, the only way to buy SHIB with PayPal is to use a platform that has cryptocurrencies and other assets such as stocks.
The only platform we have been able to find with these features is eToro. Which allows you to deposit funds using paypal, and subsequently you can buy SHIB within the platform. If you don’t have an etoro account, you can create one here.
Note that in etoro you will not be able to withdraw SHIB from the platform, as it happens in cryptocurrency platforms such as Binance, KuCoin or Coinbase.
To sell Shiba Inu, it is really very simple. You just have to do the same steps as we have seen when buying, but go to the red sell button.
Look for the SHIB/USDT pair, and click on it. Go down to the center, and go to the red sell part. Indicate the amount you want to sell Shiba Inu and exchange for USDT. Click on sell and you are done. You will have sold your SHIB and you will have USDT again.
Now with the USDT, if you want you can exchange them for your currency and withdraw the money to your bank account, or use the USDT to buy another cryptocurrency.
To withdraw Shiba Inu to your wallet, either in metamask or another wallet, you can follow these steps:
- Go to wallet and wallet spot
- Search for SHIB and once it appears, click on withdraw
- Now you will see the Binance withdrawal panel
- Open your wallet, and copy the address where you will send your tokens. In metamask, by clicking above under the name, you can copy the wallet address.
- Indicate the correct network where to send the tokens. It is the same network you use in the wallet.
- Enter the amount and check all the information.
- With everything correct, click on withdraw and confirm with the confirmation codes.
- Your SHIB will be on its way to your wallet.
In case you still have doubts, you can visit this more detailed guide on how to withdraw funds in
In case you want to withdraw your funds to another platform, for example from to KuCoin, the process is the same as we have seen in the wallet, with one difference.
In the step of opening the wallet to copy the address, in this case we will have to open the platform where we want to send the tokens. Here, click on deposit, and select Shiba Inu. Select the network you want to use to send the cryptocurrency, and you will see the address to copy.
With the copied address, go back to Binance and paste it. Indicate the same network as in the other platform. The other steps are the same as we have seen when withdrawing to your wallet.
In case you still have doubts, you can visit this more detailed guide on how to withdraw funds in
If you want to have your SHIBs in the safest possible way, the best thing to do is to have them in a hardware wallet. In my case I used Ledger, and you can buy it here.
Ledger is the most used hardware wallet in the world and it will give you full control of your funds. It avoids the risk that they can hack the platform where you have your tokens, or even hack your computer and have access to your wallet. With a hardware wallet, without the physical object they will not be able to move your funds.