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How to Get Started in Overlord World Des from 0 | Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to this post, where we are going to see how overlord world works, how to start playing, how much you can expect to win and everything you need to know to get started in the best way.

The game is on the binance Smart chain, and was recently released, so we are going to focus on what we can find at the moment, while their mobile RPG game is in development.

Although we have already been able to see their RPG game one day, it is currently under maintenance to fix bugs, but if you are reading this and you want to play the mobile game, I recommend you to go to their official website because it might already be available.

 What is Overlord World

With the explosion of the NFT trend and its impact on the gaming market, a number of NFT-integrated game projects were born, but most of them were simple games and web-based games. It is very difficult to approach gamers without mobile versions. Overlord is confident to be the first mobile RPG game that has successfully integrated the NFT, with just a cell phone with Internet connection, players can experience it without any worries. The demo version is ready and the official version will be released as soon as possible. Join and join us.

Characters and Pets

Players can start the game with different characters. All characters can use 3 weapons: sword, staff and bow, representing power, dexterity and precision. Players will create different characters based on their customization and personality. Together with a NFT support PET, your character will be a unique version.


Although the game focuses on the character, currently what we can buy and use to earn money are pets, which we can buy with 5,000 Overlord tokens, around $65, or buy the Marketplace a specific pet.

Pets have 10 different types of rarity, and each rarity pets are the same. So in rarity 1 we find one type of pet, another type of pet in rarity 2 and so on progressively. The pets you can find are:

Evil Bat:

Passive stats: (They count for your character), Attack: + 1.1%.

Statistics: Attack +10, Attack speed +70

Venom Spider:

Passive Stats: (Count for your character) Attack + 1.2%.

Stats: Attack +10, Attack Speed +70

Savage Wolf:

Passive Stats: (Count towards your character), Attack + 1.5%.

Stats: Attack +15, Attack Speed +70

King Cobra:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack + 1.8%, Defense +1.2%.

Stats: Attack +20, Attack Speed +70

Evil Rat:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack + 2.2%, Defense +1.3%, HP +1%. 

Stats: Attack +30, Attack Speed +75

Giant Bear:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack + 2,5%, Defense +1,5%, HP +,3%.

Stats: Attack +35, Attack Speed +70

Green Claw:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack + 3%, Defense +1.7%, HP +1.5%, Critical Damage +2.2

Stats: Attack +50, Attack Speed +75

Ability: 15% chance to heal 40% health for the master.

Hell Monster:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack +3.3%, Defense +2%, HP +1.8%, Critical damage +3.

Stats: Attack +55, Attack Speed +75

Ability: 20% chance to create a shield for the master in 2.5 seconds

White Fang:

Passive Stats: (Counts for your character), Attack +4%, Defense +3%, HP +2%, Critical damage +3.5

Stats: Attack +65, Attack Speed +70

Ability: 20% chance to freeze the enemy in 3 seconds.

Thorn Dragon:

Passive Stats: (counts for your character), Attack +5%, Defense +4%, HP +3%, Critical Damage +5

Stats: Attack +80, Attack Speed +70

Ability: 20% chance to burn the enemy in 3 seconds. Inflicts 60% master attack damage to the enemy every 0.5 seconds.

This is what you will get from each pet when using it in the mobile RPG game. At the moment, you can also use the pets to fight in the play to earn that the game has.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

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How to get pets

In order to get pets, what we will need is to buy the token of the game overlord world. You can buy this token at pancakeswap, and to find it you can copy the following contract:


The cost of a pet is 5,000 tokens, currently the price per token is $0.013, so around $65 to get a random pet. Although the smartest thing to do is to go to the Marketplace and buy pets directly from higher level. Since you can find level 1 for 2,000 tokens, and higher level that do not pass the 5,000 that would cost you a chest with the risk that you can get the worst pet of all.

If you have some capital to invest, it is advisable to buy a bear of rarity 6 and another pet of rarity 7, which for the price they have, you can get a good return.

How much you can earn

In the game, there are currently two options to earn money with your pets, farming, and playing in the play to earn against monsters. Depending on your pet, you can do more fights or less. For example, with a bear of rarity 6, you can do 3 fights. While with another pet like Green claw you can perform 5 fights every day.

If you have pets of rank 6 or more, the ideal is to perform as many fights as you can every day, and put them in the farming to earn even more tokens. And every day you remove them from the farming to fight and put them back.

Let’s see an example, with two bears of rarity 6 and a Green claw of rarity 7. Note that you earn tokens when you win fights, but it is random and you can lose fights, so each fight you will not get tokens.

To get these 3 pets, the initial investment is around 30.000 overlord tokens, 400$ approx. In one day, it may vary depending on the fights won, but with the 2 bears and the Green crawl, you can get 3.000 overlord tokens. And with the farming, about 700 tokens every day. This gives us a total of 3,700, so in 10 days we would recover what we have placed if we take into account the commissions and the possible fluctuation of the price of the token. As you can see, it is a game that is very profitable if the rewards are maintained and you manage to win most of the fights with your pets in the play to earn.

If we make calculations, once you have recovered the investment, if everything stays the same, you could be earning 100,000 tokens every month, which is $1,400. Although it is possible that they make changes and each time the rewards are lower.

Also, to withdraw your tokens without any penalty, you will have to wait 5 days, as the first day you will have a 40% penalty if you want to withdraw, and every day it reduces by 10%. The commissions in BNB that you have to pay to play to earn are around 4-5$ per day, so you also have to take this into account. And if you want to place farming, it will also be around 3-4$, so if you have low rarity pets, 1-2-3 is not worth putting them into farming because of how little they will generate for you.

As you can see, for the moment, it is a very profitable game that in 10 days you can already get a profit if you keep the same rewards and the price of the token. In addition, you can use the pets to fight in the PVP that will be launched in mobile version to play and get tokens also in that game.

I hope this guide has helped you to learn more about the operation of this game and you can start in the best way. Remember that, if you don’t have an account with binance, just below you will be able to create one.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


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