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How to buy XDC Network (XDC) without Commissions: Step by Step

If you want to buy XDC Network in an easy, fast and secure way, you’ve come to the right place. We will go directly to the information you need to know so that in a few minutes you can own this cryptocurrency. Omitting all the information that many times is given but is not necessary and important, and makes it a pain to follow a tutorial. Here, you can see the step by step, even with a summary for those who are even more in a hurry and want to buy it before it continues to rise in price.

Quick Summary

  1. Create an account with (Link below to create your account) or login if you already have one.
  2. Deposit Funds by sending them through Binance (Cheapest option with almost no fees) or with your credit card or wire transfer within
  3. Click on trade your USDT or go to trade and spot in
  4. Once in the buy and sell panel, look for XDC at the top left and click on the XDC/USDT pair
  5. Go to the center below on mobile, or to the right on computer and indicate the amount you want to buy. Indicating market so that it is done instantly
  6. Click on Buy XDC Network and confirm the purchase
  7. You already have in your balance the cryptocurrency, and you can see it in your main panel

Min. Deposit: $10
License: Cysec

New cryptocurrencies (ICO’s)
Growing exchange


Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


Where to Buy XDC Network

To buy XDC Network there are not many platforms, and it is not currently listed on any major exchange such as Binance. Even so, you don’t need to know how to use a wallet which can be complicated for a new user who has never used one, as does have this cryptocurrency so you can buy it, sell it or withdraw it from their platform once you have bought it. So we will use this platform for this example.

Therefore, we are going to show you how you can buy XDC Network with, as we consider it the most comfortable and easy way, and the way we do it . Especially for new users with little experience using DEFI. If you are an advanced user, you can also buy it in decentralized exchanges with your own wallet, with the advantages and risks that this also has and are important to take into account.

Min. Deposit: $10
License: Cysec

New cryptocurrencies (ICO’s)
Growing exchange


Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


In case you can’t watch the video or are having trouble with it, we’re going to go through the step-by-step in full detail just below so you won’t get lost at any point.

Detailed Step by Step

XDC Network is not found in many other exchanges yet. Therefore, we must use these two platforms. Since it is the best option to buy this cryptocurrency, while saving on commissions.

The first step is to make a deposit in our account. To get funds in, the best and cheapest option is to send them from another exchange such as Binance, as the platform has higher commissions for depositing funds by card or transfer. It is possible that in the future this will change, and it will be even the same or very similar to deposit directly in with your card. So don’t rule out this option either. Which you can find at Buy Crypto. So it is up to you to decide which option is best for you.

In this case, for the example we will use binance, and we will send USDT (Tether), as it is the cryptocurrency used to buy XDC Network. If you deposit directly in, we recommend you to buy USDT, as it is the cryptocurrency that allows you to buy any other cryptocurrency within

In our case, we already have USDT in our binance balance, but you can find a guide in our blog. With usdt, we will go to wallet, fiat and spot and click withdraw on USDT.

Now. the next step is to go to, and go to deposit. Here, we will have to click on tron/TRC-20 network, as it has the lowest commissions and only costs a dollar or less commission. We copy the address and go back to binance to paste it.

Once in binance, we must indicate the address, the same network, tron (trc-20) and the amount to withdraw the USDT. We confirm with our email and mobile, and that’s it. Remember that you must indicate the trc-20 network to avoid problems when sending your funds.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


Now, you just have to wait for the USDT to arrive in your balance. It usually takes a few minutes until they are available and ready to use. Once they arrive, go to wallet and spot account, search for USDT and click on trade.

You will see the panel to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Here, search for XDC, and you will see the XDC/usdt pair appear.

We will go down and indicate the amount we want to buy from XDC Network. Here, if you want to use all your usdt, just click on the number above and it will place the total. At the top of Price you will see the current price of the cryptocurrency. We recommend you to indicate the market option, so that when you click on the button, the cryptocurrency will be bought directly at the current market price. And thus avoid placing a lower price and that the order is not executed. So mark to market for ease of use.

Once you have indicated the amount you want to buy, it only remains to click on the buy button and confirm the purchase with the message that we will see. And we would already have it.

So quick and easy, if you go to your balance you can see the amount of XDC Network you have purchased thanks to these steps .

You have been able to see that in a few minutes, you can buy this cryptocurrency, and that it is not at all complicated once you follow these steps.

To sell your cryptocurrency, the process is the same. Just go back to the previous panel that we found, but this time we will go to the sell part, which stands out for being red. Just do the same steps indicating the amount you want to sell, and click on the magic Sell button. And you will have USDT again, to do with them whatever you want. Either wait for a better opportunity to buy back this cryptocurrency, invest in others or withdraw it to another platform or wallet.

XDC Network (XDC) Price

what is XDC Network?

Decentralized smart contract platform

The Secure, Decentralized, Open Source, Community-Driven, Decentralized Smart Contracts Platform for Seamless Execution of Business Use Cases such as Trade Finance and Payments.


XDC, XinFin’s currency, is your gateway to a world of possibilities.

Start building

Complete documents and resources to build on the XDC network.

Use dApp

Experience the power of decentralized applications (dApps) powered by XDC.

Bridge interoperability

Interoperability via Corda Bridge/Wanchain Bridge.

Blockchain Data

The XDC network is a secure and scalable third-generation blockchain network with a capacity of up to 2000 transactions per second. It offers high throughput and low latency transactions.


2000 TPS

More than 2000 TPS



Literally Zero for transaction gas rate


< 2 Sec

Transactions confirmed in seconds


0.0000074 TWh

99% Lower carbon footprint



EVM smart contract support

Creation of decentralized solutions

A blockchain network for developers to create the next generation of applications.

XDC API documentation

Build decentralized applications with ease. Access XDC API documentation to unleash the power of the blockchain. Deploy smart contracts, interact with the network and create innovative dApps using our comprehensive tools and protocols.

ISO 20022 compliance

The XDC protocol enables ISO 20022 compliant messaging for private and hybrid state, making it the language of core banking systems, ERP systems, SWIFT systems and many more, with enhanced interoperability with legacy systems.

Secure smart contract

Create smart contracts

Easily integrate legacy systems and blockchain platforms with XDC Network. XDC Origin aims to simplify the implementation of secure smart contracts and enable asset tokenization without custom programming skills.

XDC Network:

Powered by the XDC protocol

XDC Network is a decentralized blockchain network that uses the XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake (XDPoS) consensus mechanism. It is based on the open source Hyperledger Fabric and is designed to support enterprise-grade applications and services.

Exchange and manage

These wallets provide users with a secure and easy-to-use interface to manage their XDC tokens, including functions such as sending and receiving XDC, checking balance and viewing transaction history.

Min. Deposit: $10
License: Cysec

New cryptocurrencies (ICO’s)
Growing exchange


Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


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