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How to buy Cocos-BCX (COCOS) securely

The most common way to buy Cocos-BCX is usually through the most popular exchanges and platforms that can be used. However, almost all of them have a similar operation. It is necessary to register and make a transfer or link a card in order to buy Cocos-BCX. Once you log in to the platform, just choose the cryptocurrency you are interested in and proceed to buy it with the exchange rate you have at that precise moment.

Where to buy Cocos-BCX

To buy Cocos-BCX, the best option is to use the Binance platform. Although there are other exchanges where you can also buy Cocos-BCX, Binance offers the best options and the largest variety of cryptocurrencies. 

If you don’t have an account with Binance, you can create one here. Now I leave you with a video, so you can see how to buy Cocos-BCX in the best and easiest way, step by step, so you don’t have any doubts.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


Step by Step

To buy Cocos-BCX, the first thing you need to do is to log in to your Binance account, deposit your funds, either Euro, USD or another currency. 

Once you have funds in your account, go to markets, and select your currency pair against USDT (Tether). You will then be able to buy Cocos-BCX. Once you choose the pair, you have to go to sell, and indicate the amount you want to exchange your currency for USDT, and then buy Cocos-BCX. 

With the USDT bought, you can go back to the main menu to see that you already have them in your account and the order has been executed. Go back to the market, and look for the COCOS/USDT pair, and click on it. 

Here, you will see again the same buy and sell panel, where you have to go to buy, to exchange your USDT for the amount of Cocos-BCX you want. Once you have chosen the amount, click on buy and you will have it.

If you go back to the dashboard, you will be able to see your amount of Cocos-BCX you have. Now, you can keep it in Binance to sell it whenever you want, or take it to a wallet for more security. 

The most popular digital wallet is Metamask, where you can withdraw your Cocos-BCX from Binance to Metamask for additional security. You can also use them in DEFI exchanges.

If you follow these steps, you can have COCOS in less than 5 minutes. Sign up with Binance today so you don’t miss your chance.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


What is Cocos-BCX?

The platform for the next generation of the digital gaming economy.

‘Cocos-BCX’ , whose full name is ‘Cocos BlockChain Expedition’, aims to create an integrated cross-platform execution environment for games, providing developers with convenience and completeness in game development, while offering users an entirely new gaming experience, unprecedented gaming status, and with all assets earned in games being fully owned by users.

Game engine

Create, build and test blockchain games on multi-blockchain platforms.

Development environment

Cocos-BCX creates a complete development environment for blockchain games that is visual, script-based and data-driven.

Cocos Chain

Built for high-performance applications.

Cocos-BCX, the platform for the next generation of the digital gaming economy, aims to provide game developers with an easy-to-use and robust blockchain gaming infrastructure, while offering users a fair and open gaming environment with transparent data and clear rules. The underlying blockchain consensus mechanism has been optimized based on Graphene technology. With the enhanced smart contract system, Cocos-BCX is able to offer a large number of gaming functions, such as random numbers, session, timer and heart rate.

We hope to help developers and players ensure consistent profit through the digital asset economic model supported by blockchain technology:

Help developers assetize the content they produce to earn sustainable profits from the use, management and circulation of content assets, and provide convenient, decentralized channels for game distribution; And help players convert the data generated from the time and energy they spend, and the items obtained through consumption into assets that can be securely stored, managed and circulated, giving players the rights to trade them.

The Platform includes: (1) A development framework that supports multiple operating systems and blockchains. (2) A data-driven IDE for dApps that is fully programmed and component-based. (3) A blockchain system and essential functional components for high-performance applications enhanced on the basis of the Graphene technology framework.

Cocos-BCX enables developers to program, debug and launch blockchain-based dApps and hybrid applications.

In addition, the platform integrates a blockchain-based distributed ledger system, a cryptocurrency wallet system and a digital asset circulation platform, allowing application assets to be stored off-chain permanently and used across the blockchain.

In theory, the throughput of CocosChain TestNet can reach 100,000 tps. We have tested 3,500 tps with 3-second block intervals in the experimental environment, i.e., it takes 3 seconds for information to be transmitted to the entire network.

Performance will further improve when contract-defined partitioned consensus, multi-chain scaling and token delegation are completed. The key algorithms of most games can run on blockchain, and the “lowest latency transaction confirmation” technology will further improve the experience of the asset circulation process.

The CocosChain TestNet-based wallet can be integrated into the asset circulation platform, where users can evaluate the value of in-game currencies, objects and accounts based on the exchange rate of in-game digital assets against the main chain base currency.

Cocos-BCX is supported by COCOS Creator, a visual game editor, through which the traditionally developed game can be run in the Cocos-BCX blockchain execution environment.

Cocos-BCX aims to build a complete execution environment for multi-system games, providing blockchain game developers with maximum convenience and an enhanced ecosystem, while bringing players an entirely new game experience as well as different ways of playing games than before. Users will enjoy considerable autonomy in the arrangement of game assets, and a fair and open gaming environment.

Cocos-BCX is therefore designed to offer the following technical features, among others

A cross-platform game execution environment with blockchain-interoperable interfaces;

An enhanced consensus mechanism based on Delegate Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and delegated token mode;

A TestNet with enhanced data transmission and a high-performance virtual machine;

An interchain exchange gateway supporting homogeneous and non-homogeneous digital assets;

The BCX-NHAS-1808 non-homogeneous digital asset standard;
An enhanced asset permission system;
Blockchain-enforceable smart contracts;
Atomic transaction operation;
Support for syntax-level consensus tasks;
Support for delegated transaction mechanism;
Small-scale consensus and random numbers;
Randomized process of trust on the blockchain;
Support for minimum transaction validation cycles on the chain; Support for smart contract support for key functions of the chain.
Smart contract support to key game functions, such as accurate timer, wait and heartbeatï¼›
Transaction verification mechanism to prevent BP/developer cheating.

Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec

Very low commissions
Exchange with more cryptocurrencies


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